child safeguarding scenarios and answers

A role might not be eligible for a criminal records check if it does not involve regular contact with children or young people but you should still carry out other appropriate checks such as having interviews and checking references. Read our Coronavirus (COVID-19) information. If you are working with children and young people in a rented space, it is your responsibility to ensure appropriate safeguards are in place to protect them. Any concern about someone’s behaviour with children and young people should be reported to the nominated child protection lead in your organisation. Some children can also feel pressured into sexting when they don’t want to. You can help a child or young person who is telling you about abuse by staying calm, letting them take their time and giving them your full attention. This guidance is for frontline practitioners and managers who work with adults who have care and support needs and who may be at risk of abuse or neglect. Some of the rooms can only be accessed by walking through another room. Anybody who might come into contact with children or young people should go through safer recruitment practices. It is everyone’s responsibility and, if you work with children or families, you must be aware of the role you play in child … Please note: Not all of these scenarios will reach the threshold for a referral. If you are unsure whether to report something, contact the NSPCC Helpline for advice and support. Safeguarding Children – Case Studies Ben is a 7 year-old boy. Never view or save explicit images, videos or messages. > Read more about online safety and social media, > Listen to our podcast about online safety. > Find out more about recording and sharing information. If an allegation is made against someone in your organisation you must respond sensitively and promptly. Angela frequently goes out in the evening leaving Ben locked in a large cupboard under the stairs. Read the rest Call Childline on 0800 1111, Weston House, 42 Curtain Road, London, EC2A 3NH. A helper at a Muslim youth group is great at working with children who attend. 13. Make accurate and detailed notes about any concerns you have for a child and share these with your nominated child protection lead. A wilderness skills group takes an annual camping trip with about 100 children aged 10-18, including two children with learning disabilities. Everyone in the organisation should sign them and understand the consequences for breaching the code. Safeguarding Crossword (answer … Contact the police on 999. This could include checking the people in your organisation are safe to work with children, and putting rules in place to make sure children are properly supervised by the groups that use your venue. This applies regardless of the size of the room(s) people are using and whether they are paying to use the space. In the early stages of your safeguarding journey? SECTION 47 Ben appears to be suffering or at risk of suffering significant … Worried About An Adult? We all have a responsibility to protect children from harm. He says he didn’t feel pressured into sending the photo but then his boyfriend shared it with their friends, which he didn’t consent to. Your organisation should have a trained nominated child protection lead. You must ensure that all staff and volunteers understand your organisation’s safeguarding policies and procedures and feel confident following the actions they set out. In the right column, you will find answers. If you’re self-employed in England, Northern Ireland or Wales, you can: The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) provides information about criminal records checks in England and Wales (DBS 2020)1. For example, think about street lighting, car parks and what you can do to make these areas safer. All staff and volunteers working with children and young people should be appointed following safer recruitment practices to ensure that they are suitable to work with children. You should make sure children and young people are aware that it is against the law to produce, possess or share explicit images of themselves or anyone under 18. We've created some examples of common safeguarding scenarios and practical advice about how to respond to help you keep children safe. Log for Safeguarding Referrals. Participants should work in small groups of 4-6 people. Jade and Russ live in a converted van with Jade’s baby (18-months-old). For instance, attention spans are short, so you'll want a child care worker to have many ideas that alternate between quiet and energetic as well as educational and fun. The coach of a community football club notices that a 15-year-old is unhappy and asks what has happened. Your organisation should have an anti-bullying policy which sets out how you will respond to incidents of bullying. Safer recruitment is a set of practices to help make sure everybody working with children is suitable to do so. For older children, organisations should carry out a risk assessment and consider if it is appropriate for them to go to the bathroom unsupervised. Parents should be informed of the situation and any reports or referrals made about their child, unless informing them will put the child at risk. If this is not possible in your venue, change meeting times so that adult groups and children’s groups are not on the premises at the same time. At pick-up, her mom says she got them from the family cat. All staff and volunteers should be made aware of these procedures during their induction and they should be easily accessible to everyone. > Read more about vetting, disclosure and barring checks. The volunteers have heard other parents worrying about the child and saying the father is often quite nasty. But do you know what to do when faced with safeguarding issues? ... Tell us about a time when you took action to help protect a child. For safeguarding training, resources and consultancy. Telephone: 0300 123 6720 or between 5pm - 8am on 0300 123 6722 Get consent from a parent or carer if the child is under 16. I have two sons, the eldest, Michael, is my primary care giver and keen business-man, and Stuart, a teacher who lives down south with his wife and two children. > Learn more about responding to bullying. Answer tips: Here is an opportunity for you to showcase a wide variety of things you may have done both personally and professionally that will get your potential employers interested. But if you become aware that a child or young person is at risk of significant harm you must share this information with the relevant agencies. Make sure the necessary health and safety measures are in place including first aid, fire safety and insurance. You should also think about health and safety – if maintenance work is being carried out, is it safe for children to be around? If you have a query about coronavirus (COVID-19) relating to schools and other educational establishments, and children's social care, in … Children who have experienced abuse need support. Safeguarding children covers all aspects of promoting a child’s welfare, such as protecting a child from maltreatment, aiding their development, keeping them safe and ensuring they have the best outcome in life. In particular, interviewers should look out for answers that show no or little understanding or appreciation of children’s needs or expectations; that fail to … Safeguarding Knowledge Quiz. 3 This ebook consists of two parts: - Part I: Top 80 child protection interview questions and answers (pdf, free download) - Part II: Top 12 tips to prepare for child … Ensure there are enough adults to supervise the children involved in the event or trip. They can decide whether a referral should be made and offer advice and support. The safeguarding scenarios that we have created should help you to understand the possible issues you may be confronted with. Neglect Case Study – AZ Neglect Case Study – DW Neglect Case Study – Family 1 Department for Education The Department for Education have published case studies for training multi-agency groups on identifying and preventing child … As well as understanding how you must deal with concerns, you need to know what actually … > View our range of introductory child protection training courses. Not only when asking questions about safeguarding, but throughout the interview process, you need to be attuned to answers that are vague or unrealistic. Make sure the child or young person knows they can contact. If you’re self-employed in Scotland you can request a PVG check for yourself. Make sure they have someone to talk to and let them know they can contact Childline for free, confidential support at any time. • Provision for baby. Every organisation that works with or comes into contact with children will have different needs for safeguarding and child protection. Staff and volunteers should also undergo regular child protection training to help them recognise and respond to child abuse and neglect. SafeGuarding Children – Check your Understanding Created by Kim Barfoot Feb 2013 Instructions: Following the delivery of the ‘Safeguarding of Children’ presentation, each person should complete the following quiz to confirm understanding. Recognising and sharing concerns quickly with the appropriate people is important. Never promise a child or young person you will keep something confidential. Make sure staff and volunteers have the contact details of the nominated child protection lead and their deputy to report any concerns. The boy tells his coach that he sent an explicit photo of himself to his 16-year-old boyfriend. > Take our introduction to child protection course. However, sexting can leave children vulnerable to bullying, blackmail, online grooming or abuse. Concerns should only be shared with the nominated leads and not spread more widely. Interview question for Clinical Support Worker (Memory Clinic) in London, England.A couple of safeguarding scenarios regarding financial abuse Here For You During COVID-19 NEW! most children under the age of 13 should not be left at home alone, children under 16 should not be left at home overnight and a baby or toddler should never be left at home alone. Downloadable Case Studies These documents can be downloaded to use in team meetings and staff briefing sessions. Ask groups to share their safeguarding and child protection policy and procedures with you and check that these are adequate. Sexual abuse: Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), unusual knowledge of sexual activities, genital/anal p… > Learn more about writing safeguarding policies and procedures. Register - Visitors Log. ask an organisation you’re working with to apply for an “enhanced with barred list” check for you, if they are able to check and verify your eligibility and documentation. > Watch our animation on how to respond when a child or young person talks to you about abuse. Published March 2015 Updated July 2018. You can ensure groups are keeping children safe by: You will also need to set out procedures in case anything goes wrong, for example if a child gets lost and goes to the wrong room, or if someone notices a member of another group behaving inappropriately around children. Everyone in your organisation who comes into contact with children and young people should take child protection training to make sure they know how to recognise and respond to child protection concerns. Contact the NSPCC Helpline for advice or to report concerns. These codes should be easily available to staff and volunteers, children and parents and carers. You should never wait until a child or young person tells you directly that they are experiencing abuse before taking action. A 15-year-old asks to arrange individual counselling sessions to talk about their problems in private, without their parents or carers. The child’s age, ability and development stage and the location of the bathroom should be taken into consideration. Child protection training should form a key part of your organisation’s induction process. Get written consent from parents or carers and ask children and young people if they want to be involved. These scenarios can be used for individual training purposes or as a team discussion in staff meetings. It is an Ofsted requirement that all employees who are in contact with children receive safeguarding training. National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. In this blog, we’re going to be looking at 5 social worker interview questions and answers. Everybody who has responsibility for or comes into contact with children in your organisation should undergo child protection training to be able to recognise and respond to child abuse and child protection concerns. Every organisation that works with children and young people should have an online safety policy statement which sets out how you are committed to keeping children, staff and volunteers safe online. You should have procedures in place setting out how the organisation will respond to allegations against staff and volunteers. Be sure to think about this … We've created some examples of common safeguarding scenarios and practical advice about how to respond to help you keep children safe. might be indicative of child abuse or neglect. Everyone who works with children should have been through a safer recruitment process and have had the appropriate checks. She sets up a free counselling service and holds sessions in the local community centre. Keep in mind that this answer might contain something as simple as the time you helped a young child who had become separated from … Call us on 0116 234 7246 Some of the groups are open to the public and operate on a drop-in basis, so they don’t know in advance who is attending. Even if a child asks you not to share what they have told you, you must report it if it means you are promoting their welfare. A local builder has offered to carry out maintenance checks and small repairs to a community centre on a voluntary basis. Criminal record checks when you apply for a role. You can use the consent form to get emergency contact information and check any medical conditions, allergies, disabilities or other vulnerabilities of the children or young people. A village hall regularly hires out rooms to local community groups, including children and young people’s organisations. 12. Adults should sleep in separate, nearby facilities. When he asks her about it, she hints that it was not accidental and had happened during her individual singing practice with the choir leader. You must carry out the necessary checks on anyone who will be around children or young people. Children and young people demonstrate a range of sexual behaviours as they grow up, including sharing explicit messages and images (sexting). > Learn more about sharing information and consent, > Learn more about assessing a child’s competency to give consent. You should also let parents know the itinerary. the behaviour and abilities of your group, what the child said or did that gave you cause for concern (if the child made a verbal disclosure, write down their exact words). They’re concerned this may be emotional abuse but they don’t want to report it in case they have misunderstood due to the language barrier. Ensure the young person knows they can stop the one-to-one contact at any time and make sure they know how to complain or get help if they need it. To help you complete the questions below you will need to make yourself familiar with the following documents: No Secrets 2000 . > Learn more about the role of the nominated child protection lead. Adult safeguarding practice questions. > Read more about running safer activities and events. Objectives • To identify and address your concerns • To explore some complex scenarios 2) If a child is seriously ill or injured. British Council advise ELT providers thats its ok to only check the main care giver and if they tick box 66 saying the activity takes place in their home the check then incorporates checks on other adults in the home (spouse, adult children) … the check therefore is for the household. Your organisation should have behaviour codes that set out how you expect children and adults to behave, including online. > Learn more about writing child protection policies and procedures, > View our introductory child protection courses, > Find out more about child protection training requirements for your organisation. If the child doesn’t want their parents or carers to know they’re seeking counselling, suggest they get support from Childline instead. These scenarios have been created to be used as a training tool for all practitioners in early years settings, including childminders. The choir leader has a key role in the church and the helper doesn’t want to cause problems. Safeguarding children quiz to use during a practitioner workshop. Even when incidents happen outside of your organisation, you have a responsibility to take action to protect the children and young people involved. 1) I am concerned that the child is in imminent danger. Your organisation should have clear procedures in place that outline what staff and volunteers should do if they have any concerns about a child’s safety and welfare, whether this comes from a child telling you something or noticing the signs of abuse or harm. You can also create an online safety agreement, setting out how children and young people in your organisation are expected to behave online. Anyone who will be coming into contact with children should undertake training so they know how to recognise and respond to child protection concerns. It is advised that they refresh this training every three years. You should take steps to get an explicit image or video removed if it’s been posted online. At drop-off, her dad says she got them from a child at a birthday party. Log for Children Subject to a Child Protection (CP) Plan. It is important to distinguish between fact and opinion when responding to and recording concerns. He is now being bullied about it by friends and other people who have seen the image. Liaise with your organisation’s nominated child protection lead to draw up a safeguarding and child protection plan for the event which sets out your policies and procedures for keeping children safe. Try to find out a bit more about what’s happened, including who sent the image and who has seen it. If nothing changes, what impact will this have on the child? Emotional abuse: Speech disorders, fear of making mistakes, developmental delays 3. You should check that any groups using your venue have followed safer recruitment procedures. If you’re thinking of becoming a social worker or working in children’s services, then you need to be prepared to face an interview. > Get information on child protection training requirements in the UK, > Sign up to CASPAR, the NSPCC’s current awareness newsletter for policy, practice and research. When responding it’s important to listen to all children involved and record details of the incident and any action you’ve taken. He lives with his mum Angela. Safeguarding Adults Multi-agency Policy, Procedures and Guidance Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth July 2013. Whether you've encountered a safeguarding issue or you want to make sure you're prepared, our examples highlight the steps you should take and the further resources available to help you keep children in your organisation safe. Children and young people must be supported and their views and wishes considered. Any group or organisation that involves children and young people should have procedures setting out what steps should be taken if a child is involved in sexting as part of their overall safeguarding policy. Our safeguarding examples are designed to … Make sure you know who the nominated child protection lead is in the organisation you are hiring from. While safeguarding is most often thought of as abuse from an adult to a child, or an adult to a vulnerable adult, peer on peer abuse is equally valid a concern. You should also make sure you comply with the safeguarding policies and procedures of the organisation you are renting space from. Some of the parents who are members of the organisation want to help out and get more involved with running and supervising the activities. Differentiate what you’ve heard from others from facts and identify where information came from when making notes. You need to immediately refer the child to hospital and inform the children’s social care team. Safeguarding Crossword. For safeguarding training, resources and consultancy Call us on 0808 800 5000 If they are 16- or 17-years-old, carefully consider whether parental consent is needed. • Lifestyle choice vs illegal drug. If you’re carrying out certain types of work with children you need to undergo criminal records checks. var year = new Date(); document.write(year.getFullYear()); NSPCC / All rights reserved.

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