adaptation of plants in mountain region ppt

Lotus plant grows and lives in the water of a pond. Mountains 101­­ is a broad and integrated overview of the mountain world. Mountain goat has to live in the cold climate of mountains as well as to run up the rocky slopes of the mountains for grazing. Adaptation to a habitat does not take place in a short time. (3) Forests (or Grasslands). The living things such as plants, animals and micro-organisms in a habitat are known as its, The abiotic components of a habitat are: Soil, Rocks, Air, Water, Sunlight and Temperature. Question 5 Write the adaptation in animals which help them to survive in the aquatic habitat like ocean? This reduces the heat loss from the body of snow leopard. Moreover, the high temperature in hot desert increases the evaporation of water from the leaves. (3) The lion has eyes in front of its head which enable it to have a correct idea of the location of its prey. In some deserts, plants survive as seeds for several years until a little rainfall provides conditions suitable for growth and flowering. For example, cactuses store water in their trunks and stems, while aloe plants store water in their leaves. The colder it … b) MOUNTAIN REGION. The stems of desert plants are also covered with a thick waxy layer (called cuticle) which prevents the loss water from it. Plant adaptations in the desert. As the exposure to heat and UV rays increases, the melanocytes present in the skin ramp up the production of melanin. (3) The fish has slippery scales over its body which protect the body from water and also help in easy movement through water. So, the presence of gills in sea-animals is an adaptation for breathing inside the water. Types of Habitat . This ecosystem is its natural habitat. After some days however, small changes occur in our body due to which our body adjusts to the new environment of thin air on mountain. The tundra is Variation of Environmental Adaptation. For example : The desert habitat has very little water available in it. Plant adaptations to cold and hot climates included. Leaves of these plants are needle-like Have a waxy coating to prevent any damage from snow. (2) The photosynthesis in cactus plants is carried out by the green stem. (2) The desert animals such as desert rats and desert snakes pass out very small amount. Evergreens trees are conical in shape, allowing them to shed heavy snows with minimal damage to the trees' branches. The fish is adapted to live life in water because of its following special features: (1) The head, trunk and tail of a fish merge to form a streamlined shape. (2) Aquatic habitats. Also, these plants produce smaller leaves to prevent water loss. A cactus plant and camel live in a dry land called desert. The habitats having water all around are called, Ocean water contains a lot of salts dissolved in it, so ocean water is very salty. live life in water as well as on land in the following ways: (1) Frogs have webbed back feet which help them to swim in water (webbed feet are formed from thin skin between toes and work like paddles for swimming). This adaptation helps the frogs to live life in water. The big ears help the deer to hear the movements of predators (like lion) very easily. A large area of land covered mainly with trees and plants is called a forest. (4) Most of the desert plants have long roots which go deep into the soil for absorbing water. The floating leaves of partly submerged plants are quite broad but flexible. This is because the air is very thin at the “high altitude” on the mountain due to which we have to breathe faster so as to obtain sufficient oxygen. (2) Many mountain trees have small, needle-like leaves due to which these leaves lose very, little water in windy conditions. The plants and animals have to protect themselves from excessive loss of water and too much heat. The plants and animals that live on land are said to live in terrestrial habitats. Thanks for sharing this . Also detail of surface area to volume ratio and its importance to body shape. A power point detailing animal adaptations to their environment (marine, cold and hot climates). This prevents such trees from losing-water from their leaves and helps in their survival during winter when all the water in soil is frozen and hence not available to the roots. So, the presence of gills in sea-animals is an adaptation for breathing inside the water. So we can say that cactus and camel live in a terrestrial habitat (called desert). We also find snow, desert, forest, grassland, pond, rivers and lakes. The habitat of a cactus plant is desert. Birds 12. This protects its feet from cold when it walks on the snow. Every organism has a unique ecosystemfor its habitat. The adaptations in animals living in water are about their movement in water for breathing. Some sea-animals like squids and octopus do not have streamlined body shape. They are flowerless They have cones with seeds inside them. A fish can live in water only because it is adapted to breathe in water. Frog SUMARRY OF ADAPTATION IN POLAR BEAR 1. 9 Desert. After breathing in air, they close the blowholes with flaps and dive into the sea. The adaptation is that the Grass tree has shallow but wide roots. The stems of aquatic plants are soft, hollow and light, having large spaces filled with air. e) Polar region: These regions are covered with high snowy peaks. The thin leaves of submerged plants also allow the minerals to pass into them easily. Some areas of the earth are mountains while others are covered by water. Animals like Yak, bear, hill goats, flying fox are the examples. This website and its content is subject to our Terms and (5) The fish has flat fins to change direction and keep its body balance in water. Trees and plants also serve as food and shelter for many animals. Your email address will not be published. (b) The mountain goat has strong hooves for running up the rocky slopes of mountains for grazing (The hard and rough feet of an animal are called hooves). Polar Regions are characterized by extreme cold and long snowy winters. Some of the examples of habitats are : Forests, Grasslands, Garden, Deserts, Hills, Fields, Soil, Homes, Tree,  River, Sea, Pond, Lake, and Sea-shore. The power to adapt to high Mountain Environments. Page 1 of 1. (c)The snow leopard has a rounded body and small ears to keep the body surface area to a minimum. This is because cactus is adapted to live on very little water for long periods of time. Some of the adaptations in animals living in the aquatic habitats like ocean (or sea) are as follows: (1) Many sea-animals have streamlined bodies to help them move in sea-water easily. 3) At very low temperatures in winter, the soil water freezes and hence becomes unavailable to the roots of trees and plants. The animals in these regions are usually white or light colored, e.g., polar bear, penguin. Dolphins and whales breathe in air through nostrils (called blowholes) which are located on the upper parts of their heads. The stems of desert plants are also covered with a thick waxy layer (called cuticle) which prevents the loss water from it. On the other hand ponds, lakes and rivers are called. (E.g. It gets less rain in a year than most plants and animals need to live. Some examples of terrestrial habitats are forests, grasslands, deserts, coastal and mountain … Foxes 9. To survive in mountain habitat, the trees should have adaptations to protect … Dolphins and whales breathe in air through  blowholes when they swim near the surface of water. (4) The fish has strong tail for swimming. (3) The needle-like leaves have a thick waxy layer (or cuticle) to reduce the loss of water through transpiration and to protect them from damage by rain and snow. Cactus is the most common plant found in deserts. Habitats of Georgia Habitats & Adaptations S3L1.Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the similarities and differences between plants, animals, and habitats found within geographic regions (Blue Ridge Mountains, Piedmont, Coastal Plains, Valley and Ridge, and Appalachian Plateau) of Georgia. For this reason, plants have adapted to store food, moisture and energy. For example, those that live in the sea may have fins or flippers rather than legs. In case of emergency, a camel can break down stored fat to obtain water. The animals like desert rats and In order to survive the changing climate, animals are equipt with special features which help them in their adaptation. Give two examples of aquatic habitat? (b) The stems of such plants grow up to the surface of water while the leaves and flowers float on the surface of water. The second adaptation is a behavioural adaptation and it is that the Mountain ash is a very fast growing tree. White flowers can trap some heat and may be a degree or two warmer than the leaves. The adaptations in animals living in water are about their movement in water for breathing. 2. ADAPTATION OF POLAR BEAR video 13. Some of the common animals and their habitats are given below : Plants and animals may share the same habitats, for example, the pond habitat has many types of plants such as: Algae, Hydrilla, Water-lily, Water-hyacinth and some Weeds. White flowers are attractive to generalist pollinators. The leaves of floating plants are, however, similar  The deer is adapted to the forest habitat in the following ways: (4) Cactus plant have long and deep roots to absorb water from a larger area. (3) The stems of desert plants are also modified for storing water. land are said to live in a terrestrial habitat. This 12-lesson course covers an interdisciplinary field of study focusing on the physical, biological, and human dimensions of mountain places in Alberta, Canada, and around the world. The habitat also includes the interactions between the biotic and abiotic components of the environment. As the height of the mountain increases, temperatures fall down and animals are adapted to live in those cold conditions. The lion can withdraw (pull in) the claws inside the toes so that they do not become worn out and blunt. (5) A camel has large and flat feet which help it to walk easily on soft sand (by preventing it from sinking into soft sand). Question 8 What is meant by acclimatisation. Different kinds of plants and animals live in different habitats. of urine and hence conserve water in their body. The abiotic factors such as air ,water sunlight and temperature (or heat) are very important for the growth of plants. The desert is a dry area with scarcity of waters thus the plants there have small leaves and many spines which help them to conserve water. A waterless area of land covered with sand and having little or no vegetation (plants, etc.) The term “abiotic” means “non living”. Some of the adaptations in aquatic plants are given below: 1. (4) The lion is light brown in colour. Some plants are also able to grow under a layer of snow. This shape of the mountain trees makes the rain-water and snow to slide off easily without damaging the branches and leaves. Hair and feathers insulate animals by trapping a blanket of warm air near the skin, and hollow hairs or feathers can amplify this effect. Dolphins and whales can stay inside water for long time without breathing. This helps in reducing the loss of water from the leaves through transpiration. Plant populations co-evolve characteristics that are uniquely tailored to their environment. Created: Mar 31, 2010| Updated: Nov 14, 2013. A cactus is an example of a plant … Conditions. land are said to live in a terrestrial habitat. A fish cannot live on dry land because it is body shape not adapted to breathe on land. Since desert plants lose very little water through transpiration, they can survive on stored water for a long time. Question 11 What is meant by aquatic habitat? Mountains 101­­ is a broad and integrated overview of the mountain world. Animals: Animals in the mountains show following adaptations; Some mountain animals hibernate or migrate to warmer areas during colder months. Aquatic adaptation. The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings, NCERT Solutions for Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and their Surroundings, Adaptation in Animals to Mountain Habitats, Adaptation in Plants to Mountain Habitats, adaptations in animals living in the aquatic habitats, Economics Chapter 2 Sectors of the Indian Economy – Notes & Study Material, Economics Chapter 1 Development – Notes & Study Material, Geography Chapter 6 Manufacturing Industries – Notes & Study Material. The ephemeral plants of the desert can complete their entire life cycle in a few weeks. The important aquatic habitats are :Oceans, Ponds, Lakes and Rivers. is called. Flowers that follow the sun can be seen on mountain avens and Iceland poppies. (3) A camel’s body is adapted to save water in the dry desert as follows : A camel passes small amount of urine; its dung is dry and it does not sweat. A living thing can survive in a particular habitat if its body is suited or adapted to the environment or conditions of that habitat. The desert rats and desert snakes come out of the burrows only during cool night in search of food. The growth is slow as the plants do not have to make much food.Example: … … are called the abiotic components or abiotic factors of the habitat. The lion lives in a forest habitat. This is especially important in case of the animals living in extreme climatic conditions who have to protect themselves against the extreme heat or cold. little water in windy conditions. (2) Mountain regions, and Clear notes with well explanation. In desert plants  photosynthesis is usually carried out by their green stem. (4) Water evaporates more quickly in windy places due to which the trees on mountains can lose too much water easily through their leaves. snakes dig deep burrows in the sand and stay in them during daytime when it is very hot. The two examples of completely submerged aquatic plants are Hydrilla and Vallisneria.

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