kion and zuri

Even though they all stopped they all continued to laugh. Kion has lots of questions and needs answers, but most importantly, he is struggling to keep his urges in check. You can privet message me with an idea, I’ll do it then post it hear. Meanwhile, inside the cave, Kiara was loosing her mind, the worst was when Zuri got to her paw pads. I am sorry. “Hey Bunga, Wanna teach our FEARLESS leader why he shouldn’t be late.” Fuli asked “Thought you’d never ask.” Bunga exclaimed. Like Kiara, she grabbed Zuri’s foot and began Tickling her under the toes. Mom and Dad can't wait to see you. Ok, truth time now. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” laughed Zuri. I think, I’ll do, this!” Zuri yelled as she tickled in between Kiara’s toes with her claws. The four of the walked down and Tied Kiara up in a y position. What I didn't tell anyone, except for family and close friends, is that I spotted a scar over Kion's left eye and Kiara said that must've happened after she left. Zuri is a member of the Pridelanders, a friend of Kiara and Tiifu, a minor character in The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar and a recurring character in it's follow up series The Lion Guard.. He giggled. 5. A short humorous Spotted Lion oneshot, in which Zuri and Tiifu genuinely think they're helping, Jasiri is just amused, Tamaa doesn't know why he's even there, and Kion … 1K likes. Rani took a slight step backwards as his parents nuzzled him happily and she noticed two other lionesses come out at hearing the news and she figured that they were also family as they nuzzled Kion. Let’s tryyyyyy, the sides, hehe.” Zuri chuckled as she tickled Kiara’s sides with her claws. He had a scar over his left eye, blue paint on his forehead, muscular, and strangely enough, looked like her father. JUST NEVER USE THAT BRUSH ON ME AGAIN hehehehehe!” Zuri yelled. Seeking shelter from the fire, the five of them head into Muhangus the aardvark's den and underground where they meet Kuchimba the … Kion and Zuri Runaway. Secretly, Kion enjoyed being tickled by the guard, Jasiri and even Kiara. "I happen to be friends with Kiara so I … 1. After Simba is stung by a scorpion, the Guard must travel to the Outlands to find the cure. Kion was to weak to move,he just laid there, preparing for the oncoming torture. Kiara started using the plants on his belly while licking and blowing raspberries on his right armpit. PaulaHubert78955219. “Spill Kion, I know you told Zuri.” Kiara accused. Rani, Kiara. “Come on Kion” Tifu begged “I need to know”. Only female ticklees “Ok, what about here” Zuri said while tickling Kiara on her belly. After they finished, Kiom was left a painting and giggling mess. 3 years ago | 3 views. Why didn't you come back sooner? “Next question, where is kiara most ticklish” kion asked. This gave Kiara the chance to grab there paws. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. “Hey Kiara, which one of us is your best friend” Zuri asked. He thought he might pee, But after a few minutes, he couldn’t even think. YsamoBruce56370083. “ who does Kiara have a crush on” kion asked. “hahahahaha hahahahaha” Tifu laughed. Kion continued to laugh without saying a word. This is an example “HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHANOOOOOOOOHOHOHOHOHSTAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAPHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA MEECY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.” Kion begged. “Hahahahaha BOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO I CANT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WE HAD A HAHAHAHAHAHADEALHAHAHAHA.” Tifu laughed. Zuri has also displayed a complimentary and appreciative side after being saved by Kion. Zuri knew that one of them was her weakness. All three of them pounced on Kion and he was to scared to move. “HahahahahahahaWAIThahahahahHahaHahahaPLEASEhahahahAhahahaha.” Kion laughed. Kion: Well, can I explain that when I see everyone else since everyone thought I was dead? She later listens as Bunga sings " … But Tiifu and Zuri, the mud pots. "Zuri you don't know what you're talking about as usual," Fuli said, rolling her eyes at the peachy coated lioness cub. Can you imagine if Kion saved Kiara from Zira what would happen? Zuri is another member of the Pridelanders and like Tiifu, is a friend of Kiara's. After 24 seconds, Tifu went to tickling Kion’s toes. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Then they both continued for a few minutes until Kion and Kiara came. Her name's Rani. After everything was done Kiara was gasping for air. I'm helping you with the fire break. “Please, I’ll do anything, just don’t tickle me, Z-Zuri almost fainted when she had 1 brush on 1 paw. This is what I think would've happened. “Well, it was kinda our fault. HAHAHAHAHA.” KION shrieked. Kion then went to tickle under her toes with his claws and by licking them. That's not your fur. Kion: She's actually my mate and friend. They then heard Kiara scream out laughing. Let's go. While Kion, Bunga, Kiara, Tiifu, and Zuri are at the mudpots at the edge of the Pride Lands, Scar has Mzingo set fire to the area upon being informed by Shupavu and Njano. Together, … So Kiara was tickling Zuri, Zuri was tickling Tifu and Tifu has tickling Kiara. "Thanks Ono" Fuli said warmly. I hope she was smiling at Kion. “HeheheheheheheThankshehehehehehe”. I do do request. Without telling Kion, They went to there positions. “W-Wait w-we can t-talk about this.” Kion stuttered. Everything was peaceful cause of the newly formed lion guard, it’s been a week scenes the guard formed and things have never been better. “Kion, where were you. "Protectors of the Pridelands," He said proudly, making Leah giggle and shake her head. Tifu squealed and started begging for it to stop. After being bitten by Ushary, Kion and the Lion Guard journeyed to the Tree of Life for healing. Meanwhile, Belee and Denahi had met up with Zuri at the Meadow. Kovu: Why has everyone been so depressed lately? Tifu smiled hearing this. I can’t service if you use all 3 on me.” Kion said nervously. They knew it wouldn’t tickle as much as the last 2 times but would still be hell for Kion. that was a fantastic story! Zuri eventually got up and bowed to Kiara. Zuri: It's been one year since you're 20th birthday in 1985. Now that they were immobilized. I don’t do pictures, only stories. "What's Zuri doing today?" But it wasn’t for long, they just switched positions. “Ok, eeny, meeny, miney, BOTH!” Zuri screamed as she put all the feathers in her right hand and brushed them up and down on Kiara’s arches. After a minute, all three lion cubs had tears on there eyes and her on the verge of passing out. I hope she was smiling at Kion. Kiara's mind was on Kion because a couple days ago was the anniversary of his completion through the Circle of Life. “Have it your way” Tifu said as she Started licking in between Kion’s toes. “Ok, new game, Zuri will get 5 minutes to tickle Kiara while Tifu and I wait outside, then Tifu will get 5 minutes to do the same while Zuri waits out side, then you’ll both tell me your guess and I will announce the winner. Although reluctant at first, he finds out a lot more about himself and his friends. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite and share. They also deserve each other, thus I think Tiifu is the best choice for Kion. Kion: That's quite the coincidence. It was a beautiful day in the pridelands. "It’s all clear" Ono said. His eyes shot open and his mouth opened when he saw all three lions slowly coming at him. Then she inspected the female. 3 years ago | 25 views. Zuri and Tifu smiled at each other as they pounced and started tickling Kiara. “Let’s try the, hmmm, armpits.” Zuri stated. Before leaving, kion gave Zuri 11 of Ono’s feathers that he saw on the ground. It Might take a Couple of day to make sonic and … “Yeah” Kion said nervously “the guard, Kiara and Jasiri tease me with it all the tiiiiiiime.” Kion said as he tried to stop himself when he saw Tifu slowly walking towards him while wiggling he claws. Chapter 4 "Wow, you and me, Le-Le, Leaders of the Lion Guard," Kion said as he and the lioness looked out into the watering hole. “WHAT!” Zuri yelled. Nala: -Sighs- Two days ago was the two months anniversary of Kion's passing. It soon turned out to be rather difficult, always dodging predators and trying to … “Perfect” all three girls said. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. But by now she was lost in the desert, left to fend for herself. The author would like to thank you for your continued support. Kiara: You already know the male. “U-uh, I’m starting to get second thouhahahaha” Kiara laughed as Zuri started tickling her behind her knees. He returned a moment later, and settled down on Beshte's back. Follow. “Hahahahaha nohohohoho stahahahahahahahahap plehehehehehehease!” Kiara howled. Kiara screamed as Zuri blew a Raspberry on her belly. Zuri has also displayed a complimentary and appreciative side after being saved by Kion. Zuri began brushing all of Kion’s toes at once with both brushing, Tifu used one brush under his left armpit while using her claws on his left side. We all thought you were dead. “You ready Kiara” Zuri said slyly. Kion: Uh, hi Zuri. ‎Kion, Bunga and the rest of the Lion Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands from Scar. Kion and Zuri Runaway. They began to travel toward Pride Rock as Rani kept herself up against Kion since she was in unfamiliar land. Sadly, Kion ended up hanging on the river's edge and Zira knocked him against his side making him lose his grip. Kiara: Come on, Kion. After 14 seconds they started laughing when they heard Kion start laughing and begging for mercy and someone to save him. Kiongozi “Kion” is the main protagonist of the Disney Junior series "The Lion Guard". I didn't know. KIARA: Kion. As a cub, he was assigned as leader of The Lion Guard and assembled a team of animals to protect the Pridelands. “S-She tickled me till o told her, Um, uh, She’s most ticklish on her belly and under her toes.” Kion blurted. But THIS, this was just torture. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHANOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO, IMHAHAHAHAHATOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOTICKLISH! “Hey girls, what you doing” Kiara asked. After 2 minutes, he finally broke when Tifu started giving his toes raspberrys. For humans, only girls getting tickled, if it’s like a lion or Dragon or dog, that’s ok. There are just a few rules. Zuri is a friend of Kiara's. She was soon saved, or so she thought, by Kiara. Zuri got someone feathers and Kiara got a piece of wood with some bristles on it. “Can’t we just say that we’re all each others best friends.” Kiara asked. Now he had Kiara and Tifu licking his toes while brushing the rest of his paws with the brush and plants. After 2.5 minutes of that Tifu switched to tickling her Armpits. Disney The Lion Guard - Season 2: The Underground Adventure - Kion, Kiara, Bunga, Tiifu and Zuri must journey underground through aardvark tunnels to escape a fire. TIIFU: (SNIFFING) Huh. Her depression immediately switched to overjoyed happiness. “Ok, I’ll give that a 7. “HAHAHAH HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!” Yelled/Laughed Kion. While Kiara chides Kion for not listening to her, Tiifu declares herself and Zuri official advisers to the queen. She tried it on Zuri’s paw and Zuri started shrieking in laughter. Until she finally agreed. Takeru Ishiyama: You're welcome, Tiifu and Zuri. Kiara just felt bad for Kion, after all, THIS WASN’T EVEN HIS STORY! “Hahahahaha HERE HAHAHAHAHA WE GO HAHAHAHAHAHA AGAINAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Even while laughing she was still able to reach out and tickle both of them. Rani moved off as Kion turned slightly to reveal the mark of the Guard. Zuri is a tawny-orange lioness with paler orange chest fur. “Wait! Strangely enough, Zuri doesn't like the taste of gazelle, which she considers to be "hyena food". But out of the blue Kiara pounced on Kion and held him down. Follow. Tifu, Zuri and Kiara smiled and walked out of the cave. I'm gonna take a walk. To say that Kion was being tickled would be the understatement of the century. “No! “Oh, you want mercy” Zuri taunted. “Ok, my time is up. Nala: It's fine, Kovu. Mate of Rani. Kion nodded and began to move off with Rani pressing her fur against his as she moved with him. “Zebras” both Tifu and Zuri said in unison. Kiara thought she was gonna stop tickling and just start begging for mercy, but Kion came and gave her and Zuri some tools. Elaborating about rules 3 and four. Kiara used her 5 on Kion’s toes while Tifu and Zuri used there’s on his armpits. Tifu started celebrating and Zuri sulked. “I’ll give you a chose” Zuri told Kiara “ 1 all the feathers on your arches or me licking your pads.” Kiara’s eyes widened. “Sorry Tifu, But that’s cheating” Kion answered. “Which first, upper body or lower body.” Zuri asked, “hehehehenetherhehehehe” Kiara giggled. Kiara stayed on the other side of Kion to make sure that when they come across a former Outsider, she can stop him. On each ear is a pale marking in the shape of an oval. Tiifu, Zuri, Kion, Bunga, and Kiara. Tifu stopped but even after she did, giggles were still pouring out of his mouth. She put Zuri’s left paw and Tifu’s right paw together and say on there legs. The sudden surprise caused them to fall on there backs laughing. Zuri then had an idea. If he could say anything, he would. "any last words,"Kion said. Kiara, Zuri is most ticklish on her sides and the middle of her foot.” She said. Within the last month, the Outsiders joined the Pride and Kiara and Kovu became mates. Fuli asked. “Kovu” they both said again. I’m pretty sure Simba had to get re-accustomed to eating zebras and gazelles instead of different types of bugs all the time. “You hear that, I’m gonna loose unless you tell me” Tifu stated. I won’t make that choice” Kiara yelled. Zuri grabbed 2 and gave the third to Tifu while Kiara got the Plants. Mom and Dad can't wait to see you. Kiara tackles Zuri beside Tifu and started tickling Zuri’s sides and Tifu’s belly. 1, you can have all 3 brushes on your toes while Tifu and I tickle and lick your armpits for 5 minutes. He is the son of Simba and Nala and the younger brother of Kiara. Kovu wondered where Kion was because he was never told but never bothered asking. “No way, I’m her best friend” Zuri said “ha, sorry but you can’t be her best friend cause I already am” Tifu retorted. It looked like a lioness. The three girls huddled and decided on what to do. “I still think he’s getting off easy” Zuri said jokingly. She has a small tuft of fur on her head, light brown ear rims, and softly-rimmed inner ears. Brother of Kiara. Kiara was walking through the Pride Lands when she noticed a figure coming down the cliffs and by the looks of it, it was a male lion. Bunga got 2 brushes and placed them by his armpits while fuli got ready to lick in between his toes. Kiara has a few minutes to rest until Tifu came in. He and Tifu left, leaving Kiara and Zuri alone. Both Zuri and Tifu were quiet. “Hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha stohohohohohohohohohp pleheheheheheheass” laughed Tifu. Tifu smiled and answered kion. Kion froze out of shock. He noted that Kiara was feeling depressed for the last 4 days and was beginning to worry, in fact, everyone has been depressed lately. "She's spending time with Nahi and Belee" Kion answered. Zuri had grown feelings for kion for a while now but kion still had no idea but fuli knew and she didn't like the idea. Just the thought of the brush tickled her paw. Fuli: Welcome home. If he could beg, he would. Kiara and Kovu watched as the sun rose in the sky, the view was breathtaking. Luckily, after 2 minutes they stopped. Rani: Nice to finally meet and hear the name of Kion's sister. We might have tickled him to long.” Kiara said “ that’s still no excuse for not coming. Kiara started using the plants on his belly while licking and blowing raspberries on his right armpit. “Fine, it’s her Armpits like me and her paw pads.” Kion answered. It was time for fun. She was brown, also with blue paint on her forehead, brown eyes, and a symbol that looked like a tree with a lion's face on her shoulder. “Hahahahaha hahahahaha stohohohohohohohohohp pleeeeease” came as the immediate response as Kiara broke down laughing, however she still managed to hold onto and tickle Zuri’s paw. There was one thing, or someone, that could make this better... Kion. He found Simba and Nala inside the den and decided to, as gently as ever, ask what was going on. He dropped the plants and backed into a wall. Kiara: Mom, dad, Kovu. Kovu: Oh. “Hahahahahaha hahahahahacan’thahahahahahatalk!hahahahahahahahAHAHAHAHA!”she screeched. “First question, what’s Kiara’s favorite food?” Kion asked. Rani noticed the way Zuri looked at Kion and noticed her eyes looking Kion over at how much he changed since he was a cub. She can be seen hanging out with Kiara and Tiifu when Bunga races up to announce that Kion will lead the new Lion Guard. “Hey, we never found out who’s your best friend” Tifu said to Kiara. Zuri looked over to see Kion had 2 more brushes next to him. Zuri began brushing all of Kion’s toes at once with both brushing, Tifu used one brush under his left armpit while using her claws on his left side. On top of pride rock there were two lions, Zuri and Tifu, they were arguing about who was kiara’s best friends. We're too late. He wanted answers. Experiment with DeviantArt’s own digital drawing tools. “Hahahahaha hahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHa!” Both girls laughed in unison. “HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahHahahaNOOOOOHOHOHOHOHhahahahHahHaha” Kion scream laughed. “HAHAHAHAHA meeeeeehehehehehehehehehehehehe!”Kiara answered. KION: Okay. Has the roar was the leader of the lion guard now i am the king of tree of life “Oh” Kiara said “I love you both” “ I have an idea” kion proposed “ I’ll ask you 3 questions about Kiara, whoever gets the most right wins.” “Alright” Zuri said “deal” Tifu agreed. It's just been hard on everyone. Zuri and Kiara swapped between licking, blowing raspberries and using there claws, Tifu on the other hand still had the feathers and was using them to the best of her capabilities. They all stepped backwards as Rani came forward as she pressed their furs together again seeing as his touch was the only thing familiar to her. Kion: Takeru, it's sure good to see you back home. KION: Kiara, Tiifu, Zuri. “O-oh, um, well.” Kiara stuttered. Kion: I was already told that and I already figured. "I know more that you do Fuli," Zuri declared in a superior tone. He also now had to deal with the others fur brushes in his armpits. Once he was fully down, she saw him look up and another figure was making its way down. Good luck.” Zuri said before leaving. Like Kion and her friends, Zuri has aged up too. Kiara: People will remember soon enough. After another 15 they both went back to normal, Zuri continued to howl as she still felt the brush on her paw even though it wasn’t. Ok, truth time now. Message me in this format Hmm. Or we all get to raspberry 5 parts of your body each.” Kiara proposed. Ultimately, this is what the cave sounded like for the five minutes. "It's kinda scary in a way." Take cover in the mud. “Hey! However, she also was snobby and ungrateful when, in an alternate ending of the comic, "The Day of the Crocodiles", Kion saved her but got mud all over her fur. So what has changed-. 3. “Hey!” Kiara yelled. Takeru Ishiyama: Thanks, Kion. She would have wanted to get at his toes but there was no room, besides, whatever she could do, Zuri and the brushes could do twice as better. Kiara: Come on, Kion. Zuri was outraged, but left anyways, bitter as ever.

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