transplant evergreen shrubs

We are a mail order plant nursery, specialising in hedging, trees, fruit, roses & shrubs. The simplest way to prevent this is to keep a wary eye on the weather. Transplanting, regard-less of how carefully performed, results in the destruction of a large portion of the absorbing root area. Use the soil mark on the trunk of the plant to check the depth. Plants younger than five years old should be relatively easy to move. In the November to February before the transition, estimate the root-ball size as above and dig a circular trench about 30 cm wide around that area. Proper watering, mulching, fertilizing, pruning, staking and winter care will help keep your new and transplanted trees healthy. You can order at any time and your plants will be delivered to you at the best time for planting. Cutting off lengthy roots encourages the plant to develop new feeder roots closer in to the main root ball. Using a sharp spade, dig a circular trench around the shrub in its existing position, … Copyright © 2020 Ashridge Trees Limited. on the ground, allowing water to slowly fertilize the tree. Gradually work the shovel under the evergreen until you can lift the plant free from the soil for transport in the wheelbarrow. The hole you have dug will (and should be) be bigger than the rootball you have made. best time to transplant evergreens is in the spring, after the ground has thawed but before new growth appears. It is boring to have to dig it up and start all over again…. Choose a calm, overcast day where the temperature is above freezing. Carefully place the evergreen in the new planting site and check the planting depth. Transplants are more likely to die if planted in the late summer and early fall, especially conifers. If you want to move a plant because it has got out of hand you could always consider a complete pruning overhaul of a plant: a process that may take a couple of years. If so then make sure the new hole is ready; If you are not replanting immediately, have some hessian sacking and some spare soil ready. best side facing the garden?). Remove the shovel blade straight out of the ground and repeat this action around the entire tree. Transplanting or moving trees or shrubs from one location to another site is a major operation from which most plants recover slowly. You are aiming to plant it at the same depth as before. So you will need some of the soil you have removed to fill in the gaps around the edge when you are planting. Fertilize a transplanted tree that has lost the green color lightly with a 12-12-12 granular fertilizer. There are different planting and transplanting methods for different types of tree stock. They need the leaves and needles to feed themselves. Water is probably the most important element in caring for new trees and shrubs. These are the safest times to transplant your plants, regardless of the transplanting method you may want to choose. Gardeners may need to transplant evergreens in the home landscape for a variety of reasons. As the roots grow, the plant should recover, but it can be unsightly in the meantime. All Rights Reserved. Plants outgrow their current location or overrun nearby ornamental plants during expansion. Since a newly transplanted tree or shrub has not extended its roots into the existing soil, adequate moisture needs to reach the root ball. Step down on the shovel to a depth of about 8 to 10 inches. To keep most of the roots within a small area, root prune in the spring or fall before transplanting. On poor sandy soils mix some leafmould … As for evergreen flowering shrubs, such as rhododendrons, myrtles, azaleas and camellias, it’s best to transplant them in late winter to early spring when conditions are wet but not freezing because these plants do not have a true dormant season. Transplanting Season Ends as Soon as Trees and Shrubs Make Leaves in the Spring. Using a spade dig a trench a spit deep in a circle around where you think the root-ball is. Step down on the shovel to a depth of about 8 to 10 inches. Make sure the plant is positioned to best effect (upright? In other words, assume you are selecting a new plant for the new site and ask the question "do the conditions at the site meet the growing requirements of the plant?"

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